Bernabé Zea

Bernabé Zea

Partner ZBM Patents & Trademarks

I have worked in the areas of patent, technology transfer and information retrieval since my graduation in 1988. During my whole professional life I have been training people from my position at the Centre de Patents of the University of Barcelona. First, I taught on information retrieval, mainly scientific and patent searching. Soon later I started training on the patent system and more recently on technology transfer. Although I have been part of the University of Barcelona during my whole professional career, I have always compatabilized this position, first working for multinational companies as Chemical Abstracts Service or Questel-Orbit, and later, with very well-prepared collagues, founding our own companies: ZBM Patents and Trademarks, and ZBM Business Connect. Ahead Therapeutics is the last and probably the most important project I have been involved. In fact my professional career has always been a right balance between starting new projects and carry out real technical work and teaching those experiences to people.

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